USCET Welcomes 20 East Asian Student Leaders from China, Japan, and Korea for the 2011 Study of the US Institute on US Foreign Policy

USCET is excited to host the Study of the US Institute on US Foreign Policy for East Asian Leaders for the second year in a row.  This year’s program will be directed by Dr. Balbina Hwang, of Georgetown University. 

The curriculum of the Institute is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the historical foundations of U.S. actions abroad and to empower them as leaders through experiential learning. Students will engage in an intensive four-week program of classroom lectures, community service activities, and cultural experiences, and will be introduced to U.S. foreign policy as an academic discipline. They will be immersed in American society and culture and exposed simultaneously to contemporary issues that concern the world generally and East Asia in particular. It is the Institute’s hope that students will benefit academically and personally from the lectures and discussions with a dynamic group of foreign policy leaders and scholars, including experts on the U.S., China, Korea, Japan, and East Asian relations.

Leadership development programming, community service activities, and field trips will be interspersed throughout the program. Students will end their stay in the US with a week-long study tour to Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids, Michigan and New York City, where they attended additional lectures related to the Institute themes. Once the Institute is complete, participants will be given the opportunity to maintain contact through an alumni network, and will be encouraged to collaborate on future regional initiatives.


USCET很高兴能够再次举办东亚学生领袖美国外交政策研习营。本年的研习营将由乔治城大学教授Balbina Hwang指导。

