The F.Y. Chang Foundation, established in 1988, grew from the F.Y. Chang Fund for the Study of Chinese Law, endowed by Stuart and Julia Chang Bloch at Harvard Law School. The foundation was established in memory of Chang Fuyun, also known as F.Y. Chang. He was in the first cohort of Chinese students to attend Harvard Law School and was the first Boxer Indemnity Scholarship student to graduate from the school.
For more than two decades the F.Y. Chang Foundation has sought to honor its namesake by supporting education exchange related to Chinese law. To date it has helped more than 60 Chinese earn Harvard Law degrees, and today those scholars are among China’s most influential judges, attorneys, professors, and legal experts.
In 1988, five years after Chang’s death, his daughter Julia Chang Bloch and her husband, Stuart Marshall Bloch, created the F.Y. Chang Foundation. The foundation is the parent organization of the US-China Education Trust, which was founded by Julia Chang Bloch in the late 1990s.F.Y. Chang’s personal story is inspiring. Chang was 21 and a Boxer Indemnity Scholarship graduate of Tsinghua University in Beijing when he arrived at Harvard. He earned his A.B. (Bachelor of Arts) degree, cum laude, in 1914, and three years later was the first Chinese graduate of Harvard Law School.

Upon returning to China, Chang joined the Foreign Ministry, taking on a number of diplomatic positions, and becoming President of Jiaotung University in Beijing in 1923. Later, as Director General of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, he played a central role in returning customs authority from foreign domination to Chinese control, as well as regaining China’s tariff autonomy. He earned a reputation for high integrity at a time when China struggled with corruption and civil unrest. He also represented China during negotiations leading to the founding of the United Nations in 1945.
One of republican China’s most respected government officials, Chang emigrated to America after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, followed by his family in 1951. He spent the next three decades in San Francisco. His collection of Chinese art and calligraphy was renowned and he retained a deep knowledge and appreciation of traditional Chinese culture. In the catalogue from an exhibition of this collection at Harvard’s Arthur Sackler Museum, Edgar Peters Bowron writes of F.Y. Chang in the foreword:
“…he formed his collection as an expression of the old Chinese ideal of the scholar-official as a person of cultivation and learning… Quite apart from its aesthetic value, the Chang collection is a remarkable document of China’s struggle to adapt its ancient culture and system of government to the values of an age of world wars and superpowers.”
For more than 15 years, the F.Y. Chang Lecture, presented annually in memory of F.Y. Chang, has been a highlight of the F.Y. Chang Foundation’s activities. The Lecture invites prominent scholars from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the US to share their expertise in advancing the rule of law in China. Peking University Law School and later, Tsinghua University Law School have joined Harvard Law School in co-sponsoring the Lecture.
More About the F.Y. Chang Lectures
20th Anniversary Symposium featuring Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (November 2008)

For more information on the F.Y. Chang Foundation and its activities, please contact us at info@uscet.org. In order to be eligible for the FY Chang Scholars program, applicants must first be admitted into HLS. Scholarship winners will then be notified by Harvard. Please direct scholarship inquires to Harvard Law School.
1988年,为了纪念第一位毕业于美国哈佛大学法学院的中国人——张福运先生,斯图亚特·布洛赫(Stuart Bloch)和张之香(Julia Chang Bloch)在哈佛大学法学院成立了张福运基金会。张福运先生是第一批进入哈佛大学法学院的中国学生,也是第一位从该校毕业的庚子赔款奖学金资助的学生。
1988年,暨张福运先生去世五周年之际,他的女儿张之香(Julia Chang Bloch)和丈夫斯图亚特·布洛赫(Stuart Marshall Bloch)共同创办了张福运基金会。该基金会是目前由张之香出任主席的中美教育基金的母基金。
1949年,作为中华民国最受尊重的政府官员之一,张福运先生移居美国。两年后,家人和其在美国团聚。之后,他在美国旧金山度过了30多年的时光。他有关中国艺术和书法的收藏远近闻名。他对中国的传统文化有着深刻的理解和鉴赏。在哈佛大学阿瑟•萨克勒 (Arthur Sackler Museum)博物馆藏品收藏的前言中,埃德加·彼得斯·鲍伦 (Edgar Peters Bowron)写下如下评论:
“…… 张的这套作品集,也表达了他对中国传统文人/官员需不断学习并栽培后人的这一理想职责的理解。不同于展示出来的美学意义,张的作品集深刻的反映了中国在列强纷争的战乱年代,努力将自己古老的文化与政府体制、与那个时代的价值观相融合的斗争史。”
如果您想了解更多的关于张福运基金会的信息和活动,请联系中美教育基金, 邮件地址:info@uscet.org。张福运奖学金的申请资格必须是申请者已经被哈佛大学法学院录取。哈佛大学将通知获奖者。关于张福运奖学金的申请事宜及询问,请直接联系哈佛大学法学院。