Jennifer Kuang – September 2020

Edition #6 | Former USCET Staff Member Jennifer Kuang serves as Senior Coordinator for Academic Advising at Duke Kunshan University in Kunshan, China. Founded as a partnership between Duke University in the United States and Wuhan University in China, DKU began accepting undergraduate and graduate students as part of its Global Learning Semester program in…

2020 Samuel “Sandy” R. Berger Fellowship Awards Ceremony

USCET and Peking University School of International Studies hosted a virtual awards ceremony for the first cohort of fellows receiving the “Sandy” Berger Memorial Fellowship.  The Sandy Berger Memorial Fellowship was founded to celebrate the life and legacy of the late Honorable “Sandy” Berger, former National Security Advisor to President Bill Clinton, who demonstrated a…

“Pivoting Pathways: Reinventing and Retooling for Successful Careers” Panel Features Ambassador Bloch and Fellow Chinese American Female Leaders

USCET Founding President Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch participated as a panelist in the Chinese American Museum’s first webinar event of their Pauline L. Tsui “Women in Leadership” series on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. The series is named in honor of the late Pauline Woo Tsui, founder of the Organization of Chinese American Women (OCAW), of…


美国的新常态?民粹民族主义在美国的极端化 2020年10月13日20:30-22:00 北京时间 (08:30-10:00am 美国东部时间) 民粹民族主义的兴起已经成为了一个全球性的现象:从特朗普当选美国总统、英国脱欧到极右政党在欧洲的崛起,民族主义的疫病在全球范围上不断发展壮大,以至于得以重塑主流政治格局,改变诸多国家的政策,扩大了政治、经济及文化上的分歧。2020 年美国的总统选举无疑将会是一个美国民粹民族主义崛起的风向标。 从贸易政策、移民到中美关系的议题,民粹民族主义的阴影早已在 2020 美国大选的选举活动中浮现。两党竞选人特朗普总统和拜登都在利用被民族主义情绪所助长的日益高涨的对中国的反感,攻击对方在中国政策上过于软弱,加强了仇外的攻击。在这场研讨会中,受邀嘉宾将会讨论以下问题:民粹民族主义兴起的原因,以及这些因素又是如何使得美国两党的分歧不断扩大,以至于这种分歧开始威胁到美国自由民主的价值观;中国因素在此次选举中的影响。 这些因素在政策和政治的选择上有何影响?在多大程度上助长了美国的仇恨犯罪,尤其是那些针对亚裔美国人的?嘉宾们还会继续分析这些问题:两党的民族主义热情是如何影响他们的特定战略、经济和商业政策立场的?中国与美国在科技领域的脱钩是不是不可避免的?是哪些因素致使两国限制商品、知识、资本、人才和创新的跨国流通?当下美国的民粹民族主义是暂时性的,还是说更多是结构性的,又更或是永久性的变化?如果民粹民族主义将成为美国的新常态,它会威胁到美国的民主制度吗? 受邀嘉宾 托马斯 · 卡罗瑟斯(Thomas Carothers)卡内基国际和平基金会副主席 作为卡内基国际和平基金会研究方向副主席,托马斯·卡罗瑟斯负责监督卡内基所有的研究项目,直接领导民主、冲突及管治项目(Democracy, Conflict and Governance Program),并参与民主相关议题的研究和创作。卡罗瑟斯无疑是国际民主、人权、政府管治、法治和公民社会等议题上的权威。他曾经撰写和编辑了十本饱受好评的书籍,在国际知名学术期刊和媒体报刊上发表了许多文章,亦包括 2019 年他与安德烈·奥多诺修(Andrew O’Donohue)合著的《分裂的民主世界:全球政治极端化的挑战》。 方艾文(Evan Feigenbaum)卡内基国际和平基金会副主席 方艾文(Evan A. Feigenbaum)是卡内基国际和平基金会的副主席,负责卡内基在华盛顿、北京和新德里开展的一系列关于东亚和南亚的研究项目。他也同时担任美国维吉尼亚大学米勒公共事务中心 2019-2020 年度詹姆斯·施莱辛格卓越教授职位。从 2001 年到 2009 年,方艾文曾任美国国务院负责南亚事务的副助理国务 (2007-2009),负责中亚事务的副助理国务卿(2006-2007),东亚和太平洋地区政策规划租成员(2001-2006),以及副国务卿罗伯特•佐利克的中国问题顾问,密切协助佐利克推动中美高层对话。 蔡瑞徳(William Zarit)科恩集团高级顾问 蔡瑞徳帮助大型的中国企业投资和开拓美国市场,协助美国跨国公司实现其在中国的商业目标。同时,他还是中国美国商会的理事会主席。 在 2014 年 5 月之前,蔡瑞徳先生曾任美国驻华大使馆商务公使,负责管理、推动和协调美国商务部驻北京、成都、广东、上海和沈阳使领馆商务处的贸易促进、贸易政策和贸易谈判的工作。他以职业部长(Career Minister)的级别退休。常驻北京之前,蔡瑞徳先生在美国商务部商务服务局任助理部长一职,负责管理美国驻世界各国使领馆商务处的工作。 主持人 柯白 (Robert Kapp)柯氏策略咨询公司主席 柯白博士是柯氏策略咨询公司主席、美中贸易全国委员会前任主席。他的公司向意图在中国开展业务的公司和非营利组织提供服务,并向他们提供与制定中美关系政策的人员接触的渠道。柯白博士也是美中教育基金的特派顾问(筹划与出版)。从 1994 年 4 月到 2004…

10/13 – Register Now: America’s New Normal? Populist Nationalism and Polarization in the United States

October 13, 20208:30-10:00am Washington (8:30-10:00pm Beijing) 中文 The surge of populist nationalism has become a global phenomenon, from the election of Donald Trump to Brexit to the success of the far-right parties in Europe. A nationalist contagion has taken hold, gaining electorally, reshaping mainstream politics and policies, as well as shifting the political, economic and…

Event Recap: Media Impact on the 2020 US Elections – Professionalism, Partisanship and Pandemic

James McGregor, Chairman of Greater China for APCO Worldwide, served as moderator for the webinar engaging prominent political journalists Fred Barnes, Joie Chen, and Ron Elving in a thought-provoking discussion about the pivotal 2020 US elections. Hosted in partnership with AmCham China and the Fortunius Society in Macau SAR, 75 attendees with backgrounds in academia,…

Former USCET Intern: Trump’s WeChat ‘ban’ is unconstitutional. A new lawsuit shows why

The Trump administration’s executive order banning WeChat, the popular Chinese social networking platform, caused massive outrage among the Chinese diaspora and business community in the United States. In recent days, the executive order has come under fire for violating the right to receive foreign speech and faced legal challenges. Former USCET intern and practicing Washington…

Henri Tan – August 2020

Edition #5 | Former USCET Intern Henri Tan is the Senior Director of Member Operations at AmCham China in Beijing, managing programs and workshops which engage the organization’s membership totaling more than 900 companies. Working as a Research Assistant for USCET in 2005, Henri has continued to remain engaged with US-China relations throughout his career…