USCET Leadership Featured on ‘This is America’ – China Roundtable

Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch and Advisory Council member Kurt Campbell were part of an esteemed panel of 4 experts discussing today’s China, as part of the weekly international affairs television program, This is America and the World, hosted by Dennis Wholey. This session was also featured as one of the “TV Highlights” in The Washington Post.

You can take a look at their conversation here.


张之香大使和咨询委员会成员库尔特·坎贝尔(Kurt Campbell)作为研究当代中国的问题的四人专家研讨组成员出席了由丹尼斯·侯勒(Dennis Wholey)主持的 “这就是美国和世界” 每周国际事务电视节目。本次会议同时被作为“TV亮点”之一发表在华盛顿邮报上。
