USCET Celebrates Book Launch of History of the Organization of Chinese American Women

USCET founding president, Julia Chang Bloch, was one of many past presidents of the Organization of Chinese American Women (OCAW) that gathered to celebrate the launch of a publication chronicling the history of OCAW, which was founded in 1977 and is the largest and longest standing ethnic Chinese women’s group in the United States.

The launch of the History of the Organization of Chinese American Women, written by Pauline W. Tsui, took place in the evening of May 30th at the residence of Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch. This book is funded by the Rugh H. Luo and Rhoda How Memorial Fund and published by University of Hawaii Press.

Pauline W. Tsui was the founding president of OCAW from 1977 to 1983. Ms. Tsui serves many Chinese American organizations actively and is currently the Treasurer and Acting Executive Director.

Distinguished guest Elaine Chao, former US Secretary of Labor, applauded the efforts of these women whose vision has blazed a new trail for the younger generation. Chao was the first Asian Pacific American woman and first Chinese American to be appointed to a President’s cabinet in American history and is also the highest ranking Chinese American woman in the US today.

At the event, OCAW and USCET invited guests to support the Scholarships for Girls in Rural China under the China Opportunity Scholarships Agricultural University of Hebei. This scholarship program aims to help rural Chinese girls, who are often in the greatest need for basic education. USCET and OCAW invite you to join the efforts if you are interested. If you would like to make a donation, please visit

A news article about the event on the popular Chinese newspaper, World Journal, can be found here.

作为众位美华妇女会前任主席之一,中美教育基金创办主席张之香女士与历届主席一起参加了庆祝《美华妇女会》发展史的新书发布会。美华妇女会(The Organization of Chinese American Women)创建于1977年,是美国最大、历史最悠久的华裔妇女团体。

5月30日晚,由崔胡普霖(Pauline W. Tsui)所著的《美华妇女会》发展史新书发布会在张之香大使府邸举行。本书由郭夏瑜与郭秉文纪念基金会(the Rugh H. Luo and Rhoda How Memorial Fund)资助并由夏威夷大学出版社出版。


特别嘉宾前美国劳工部长赵小兰(Elaine Chao)盛赞了这些杰出女性做出的努力,她们的远见卓识为新一代年轻人开辟了新的道路。美国历史上,赵小兰是总统内阁中首位亚太裔与华裔美国女性,同时也是美国迄今职位最高的华裔美国女性。

