James McGregor

James McGregor is the CEO of James McGregor Inc., a China-focused advisory firm based in Beijing. He is also the chairman of APCO Worldwide (Greater China), an independent global public affairs and strategic communications consultancy. He was previously the CEO of JL McGregor & Company, an equity research firm focused on Chinese listed companies. McGregor also has been CEO of Dow Jones & Company in China, bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal in China and Taiwan, and the China managing director for GIV Venture Partners, a $140 million venture capital fund.
He is a former chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China and author of the acclaimed best-seller One Billion Customers: Lessons from the Front Lines of Doing Business in China. He has long served as a China advisor for multinationals and investment funds, including Ogilvy Worldwide, Spencer Stuart, and Thomson Financial. He has also advised many Chinese Internet startups and he was an early investor in and board member of Sohu.com during the company’s July 2000 NASDAQ listing.
McGregor is a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and a member of the International Council of the Asia Society. McGregor, a native of Duluth, Minnesota, and a University of Minnesota graduate, has lived in China for more than 20 years.
James McGregor是总部位于中国的咨询公司James McGregor Inc.的首席执行官。此前,他是专注于中国上市公司的股票研究公司JL McGregor & Company的首席执行官。McGregor还曾担任Dow Jones & 公司在中国的首席执行官、《华尔街日报》在中国大陆和台湾的总编辑,以及投资1.4亿美元的风投基金GIV Venture Partners的中国董事总经理。
他是驻中国美国商会的前主席,同时也是广受好评的畅销书One Billion Customers: Lessons from the Front Lines of Doing Business in China的作者。他长期担任许多跨国公司和投资基金的中国顾问,包括Ogilvy Worldwide、Spencer Stuart和 Thomson Financial。他还为许多中国互联网初创企业提供咨询服务,在搜狐2000年7月在纳斯达克上市期间,他是搜狐的早期投资者和董事会成员。