Berger Memorial Fellowship Launched at Peking University

The late Honorable “Sandy” Berger, former National Security Advisor to President Bill Clinton, demonstrated a strong commitment to balancing competition with collaboration between the United States and China, even when the obstacles seemed insurmountable. USCET believes that people-to-people ties have long lasting impact that can help build a more constructive bilateral relationship. USCET, therefore, has…

FY Chang Exhibit Opens at China Customs Museum in Beijing

In late October, the FY Chang and Modern China Customs exhibit opened at the China Customs Museum in Beijing. The exhibit, sponsored by the museum and co-organized by the FY Chang Foundation, commemorates the 90th anniversary of FY Chang as Director General of the Chinese Customs Service.  Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, Chang’s daughter and the…

SISU Students Visit USCET

The US-China Education Trust (USCET) welcomed a delegation of students and professors from Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), a long-time partner and a member of both the American Studies Network (ASN) and Media Education Consortium (MEC), for afternoon tea. Professor Jiang Zhibin began the discussion by asking Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch to share her story…

USCET Holds Successful Women in Diplomacy Program

The US-China Education Trust (USCET) welcomed more than 100 supporters and guests to its Women and the Asian Century: Promoting Diversity in Diplomacy program in mid-June, the second in USCET’s series of 20th anniversary celebrations.  The occasion also marked 25 years since USCET Founding President Julia Chang Bloch served as the first Asian American Ambassador…

Ambassador Bloch Recognized at AAFAA Leadership Dinner

Ambassador Bloch was recognized for her service as the first Asian American to hold the rank of ambassador at the 9th Annual Asian American Foreign Affairs Association (AAFAA) Leadership Dinner. USCET is proud to have AAFAA as a supporter for our upcoming event on “Women and the Asian Century: Promoting Diversity in Diplomacy,” to be…

Ambassador Bloch Inducted into Excellence Hall of Fame

Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch was inducted into the Business Excellence Institute’s Hall of Fame earlier this month. A special ceremony honoring the Ambassador as well as two other inductees was held at the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin, Ireland on April 19, 2018. Ambassador Bloch was recognized for her distinguished career in public service as well…

USCET Holds Appreciation Luncheon in Celebration of 20th Anniversary

In Mid-March the US-China Education Trust (USCET) welcomed more than 50 friends and supporters to an Appreciation Luncheon and panel discussion to highlight USCET’s 20 years of work in promoting US-China relations through education and exchange. The program included special remarks from the Honorable Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Transportation and a long-time friend of…