USCET to Launch First American Cultural Center, to be called Info USA@BFSU, Under New US Embassy Grant on December 9

USCET is pleased to announce a grant from the US Embassy in Beijing to collaborate with Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) in establishing an American Reading Room and Information Center, to be called InfoUSA@BFSU. Info USA will be situated in the American Studies Center (ASC) of BFSU’s School of English and International Studies (SEIS), and is the first of 10 centers across China. Each center is a partnership between an American university or nonprofit and a Chinese University, and USCET’s center at Beijing Foreign Studies University is the only one located in Beijing.

Info USA will be a platform to tell the American story through culture, history and politics, and to reach out and provide access to a variety of Chinese, including students, educators, researchers, and journalists, but also to the general public. Its primary activities are to provide reference and research services to Chinese seeking information about the United States; and to coordinate programs, such as lectures, discussions, roundtables, film festivals and exhibitions that promote a better understanding between the Chinese and the American peoples. These outreach programs will make the most of the expertise and talents of the American expatriate community residing in China and Asia, as well as visits to China by American thought leaders, scholars, journalists, authors, artists, and others who can effectively communicate various aspects of the U.S. experience to the Chinese public.

Info USA will offer access to current and reliable information about the US through books, periodicals, video and DVD collections, the Internet, and program events. Info USA will be open from 9AM – 5PM weekdays, excluding holidays.  In the future, USCET hopes to collaborate with other universities to open Info USA centers across China.


USCET很荣幸宣布我们获得美国驻北京大使馆拨款,与北京外国语大学合作成立美国信息中心兼阅览室,将命名为InfoUSA@BFSU。Info USA设立在北外英语学院美国研究中心,将会是中国首十个美国信息中心之一。每所信息中心都由一所美国大学或非营利组织与中国大学合作建立。USCET与北外合作的信息中心是目前唯一一家坐落于北京的信息中心。

Info USA将为中国大众、学生、教育者、研究员、媒体人提供一个通过学历文化、历史和政治了解美国的机会。该信息中心的活动将以提供美国研究参考资料、协助组织讲座、讨论会、圆桌会议等项目活动、开办促进中美理解的电影节和展览为主。这些活动将最大限度借助中国及亚洲的侨民社区成员、以及到访中国的美国意见领袖、学者、媒体人、作家、艺术家、以及其他能够建立起中美之间沟通桥梁的各类人士的专业知识及天赋的帮助。

Info USA将通过书籍、期刊、视频和DVD收藏、网络和活动提供最新可靠的美国时事。Info USA信息中心将于周一至周五上午9点至下午5点营业,节假日除外。USCET希望未来能与更多高校进行合作,在中国建立更多的美国信息中心。