What is the US-China Education Trust?
The US-China Education Trust (USCET), a program of the F.Y. Chang Foundation, promotes stronger and more stable US-China relations through education and exchange for China’s next-generation leaders and training of young Americans.
What is the F.Y. Chang Foundation?
Established in 1988, the F.Y. Chang Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that honors Fuyun Chang, who was in the first cohort of Chinese students to attend Harvard Law School and was the first Boxer Indemnity Scholarship student to graduate from the school. Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch established the Foundation in honor of her late father.
How is USCET Organized?
USCET operates with a lean staff of full-time employees, contractors, and interns in order to maximize donor funds for programming and cut down on administrative expenses. USCET also works with a variety of partners in China and the US in order to implement programs.
How is USCET Funded?
A grant from the Starr Foundation and a number of corporate donors enabled the F.Y. Chang Foundation to launch USCET in 1998. USCET opened an office in Washington, DC, in 2004. USCET continues to rely on foundation, government, and private support, and hosts fundraising events to maintain its programs and operations.
How are USCET’s Finances Managed?
With the support of a contract comptroller, USCET carefully tracks all donor grants and, in particular, follows strict government accounting standards to manage all grants.
Who are USCET’s Partners?
In the US, USCET works with a wide variety of universities, think tanks, and NGOs. In China, USCET partners include the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and more than 70 of China’s top universities through USCET’s American Studies Network and Media Education Consortium.
Why is USCET Relevant?
USCET has earned reputation and credibility for its programs in China by establishing relationships with top universities, think tanks, government and media entities. These relationships allow USCET to continue its long track record of programs in American Studies, Governance, and Media Studies as well as break new ground through its Asian American Initiatives.
得益于史带基金会(Starr Foundation)和诸多企业的捐助,张福运基金会在1998年设立了中美教育基金。中美教育基金于2004年在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区开设了办事处。中美教育基金的发展离不开各基金会、政府机构以及私人源源不断的赞助支持。为确保其各个项目的正常运转,中美教育基金也会不定期开展筹款活动。