Teresita Schaffer

Teresita Schaffer is a Senior Advisor on India and South Asia at McLarty Associates. In a 30-year career in the US Foreign Service, Ambassador Schaffer was recognized as one of the State Department’s leading experts on South Asia, where she spent a total of 11 years. Her other career focus was on international economic issues. She served in US embassies in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, and from 1992-95 as US Ambassador in Sri Lanka. During her assignments in the State Department in Washington, she was Director of the Office of International Trade and later Deputy Assistant Secretary of state for the Near East and South Asia, at that time the Senior South Asia Policy position in the State Department.
Ambassador Schaffer was previously a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. She also created the South Asia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and directed it from 1998-2010. That program produced path-breaking research on economic, political, security and risk management trends on India and Pakistan, but also more broadly on the region that extends from Afghanistan through Bangladesh.
Ambassador Schaffer is the author of India at the Global High Table: The Quest for Regional Primacy and Strategic Autonomy, published in 2016 (co-authored with her husband, Howard Schaffer); as well as India and the US in the 21st Century: Reinventing Partnership, published in 2009 and widely recognized as the leading work on the post-2000 US-India relationship and its future prospects. Ambassador Schaffer and her husband also wrote How Pakistan Negotiates with the United States, published in 2011. Earlier writings included Pakistan’s Future and US Policy Options (2004); India at the Crossroads: Confronting the Challenge of HIV/AIDS (2004) and a series of other studies on HIV and public health issues in India; and two studies on women in development in Bangladesh (1985).
Ambassador Schaffer received a BA from Bryn Mawr College and studied at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris. She did graduate work in economics at Georgetown University. She speaks Hindi, Urdu, French, Swedish, German and Italian, and has studied Bangla and Sinhala.
特雷西塔·沙弗(Teresita Schaffer)是华盛顿国际战略咨询公司的印度和南亚高级顾问。在其30年的美国职业外交生涯中,沙弗大使在美国国务院是公认的权威南亚专家之一,她曾在那里工作了 11 年。她的另一个专业领域是国际经济问题。她曾被派驻美国驻巴基斯坦、印度和孟加拉国大使馆,并于1992年至1995年担任美国驻斯里兰卡大使。在华盛顿任职期间,她担任国务院国际贸易办公室主任,后来担任主管近东和南亚的副助理国务卿,当时这是国务院系统主管南亚政策的最高职务。