USCET partnered with the Institute for International Strategic Studies (IISS) to host the symposium, “New Model of Major Power Relations: Next Generation Voices” in June 2015 in Beijing. This event marked the fifth in a series of symposiums that have been organized together with IISS since 2006.
The event was a unique opportunity for distinguished young thinkers from United States and China, representing academic, policymaking, business and media perspectives, to gather together and share their views on the US-China bilateral relationship and its global impact. The symposium discussions were designed to foster greater mutual understanding and appreciation of each country’s foreign policy strategy, while addressing the need for increased collaboration to meet today’s challenges of regional and global importance.
In the opening addresses, Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch observed that “The key problems that exist in the world – from maritime security to climate change to global economic stability – cannot be resolved without cooperation between the United States and China…Cooperation is always a choice, one that must be made by each generation in its turn.” Hao Ping, Vice Education Minister of China, emphasized the value of people-to-people exchanges and dialogues such as this Symposium to allow countries to better understand one another, and the need to build an intellectual foundation for positive bilateral relations.
Underscoring the comprehensive scope of contemporary US-China relations, the four Symposium panels addressed a multitude of issues that both acknowledged challenges in the bilateral relationship, as well as identifying areas where the US and China can join together as leaders to tackle global challenges. The event covered economic cooperation and changing dynamics under “New Trends in US-China Bilateral Relations”; addressed both countries and regional strategic views and concerns with “Maritime Relations in the East & South China Seas: US and China Perspectives”; approached broader regional and global leadership in “Issues on Africa and the Middle East in US-China Relations,” and finally, explored mutually beneficial cooperation through “Issues on Economy, Energy and Climate Change in US-China Relations.”
Altogether nearly 30 invited scholars took part in the Symposium, with USCET’s American delegation composed of Julia Chang Bloch, former Ambassador and President of USCET; Amy Celico, Principal, Albright Stonebridge Group, former Senior Director for China Affairs, Office of the US Trade Representative; Jon B. Alterman, Senior Vice President, Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, and Middle East Program Director, CSIS; Melanie Hart, Director, China Policy, Center for American Progress; Brian Harding, Director, East and Southeast Asia, Center for American Progress; Yun Sun, Senior Associate, East Asia Program, Henry L. Stimson Center, and Non-Resident Fellow, Brookings Institution; Gady Epstein, Beijing Bureau Chief of The Economist; and Timothy P. Stratford, Managing Partner, Beijing office of Covington & Burling LLP.
USCET与中央党校国际战略研究所合作一起于2015年6月在北京举办了题为“大国关系的新模式:下一代的声音”研讨会。自2006年USCET 与IISS合作以来,这是第五次举办该研讨会。
会议共有超过30位学者参加,美国方面的代表团包括USCET主席、前任大使张之香女士,美国贸易代表办公室前任中国高级事务前主任Amy Celico,CSIS中东事务主任Jou B. Alterman,美国进步中心中国政策主任Melanie Hart,美国进步中心东亚与东南亚主任Brian Harding,Stimson Center东亚项目高级负责人Yun Sun,经济学人驻北京主编Gady Epstein,以及Covington & Burling LLP驻北京办事处的执行合伙人Timothy P. Stratford。