USCET Completed China’s first Data Journalism Bootcamp!

USCET just completed a 5-week intensive data journalism boot camp at Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School on August 24! This comprehensive summer program is the first of its kind in China. Thirty journalists and students were selected from over 80 applicants from across the country. The participants, through participatory methodologies, learned how to gather large quantities of data, clean and organize the data using sophisticated coding system, interpret and find newsworthy stories within the numbers, and bring the numbers to life through images and interactive visualizations. USCET had invited top Chinese and American trainers and practitioners to serve as instructors at the boot camp. Instructors included design professor from New York University, well-known data visualization expert from University of Miami, the Chief Operation Officer overseeing Caixin’s award-winning Data Visualization Lab, amongst others. The participants started with limited knowledge and skills in data journalism, and at the end of five weeks, were all able to write data-driven news with engaging visuals to tell poignant stories that affect Chinese society.

8月24日,中美教育基金(US-China Education Trust,简称USCET)为期5周的数字媒介研修班在北京大学深圳研究生院落下帷幕!本次暑期数字媒介研修班是中国首个相关培训项目。一共有30位媒体和在校学员从全国各地的80份申请中脱颖而出。他们通过参与式培训方法学习如何收集大量数据、如何通过成熟的编程清理整理数据、如何从中解读并找出值得报道的故事、以及如何通过图片和交互式可视化让故事变得活灵活现。USCET邀请了中美顶级培训师和从业人员担当讲师,包括来自纽约大学的设计系教授、来自迈阿密大学的著名数据可视化专家、来自财新数据可视化实验室的运营总监等人。参与学员一开始对数据新闻只有少量的了解和技能,然而在五周后,所有学员都学会了如何写一篇由数据驱动的,内容故事直击中国社会所面临的问题的新闻。