USCET President Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch Featured at the University of Kentucky’s Year of China

Ambassador Bloch will travel to the University of Kentucky in Lexington to give a lecture on “Leadership and Education in a Globalizing World: China’s Challenge” as part of the College of Arts and Sciences Year of China emphasis.

“Julia Chang Bloch has devoted her career to increasing international understanding,” said Mark Kornbluh, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “After a career of distinguished public service, she is now pioneering efforts to grow exchange relationships between U.S. and China. We are especially fortunate to have her come to the University of Kentucky to talk with our students and our broader academic community.”



“张之香为促进国际交流理解献身。” 文理学院院长Mark Kornbluh表示,“她曾为公共服务领域作出杰出贡献,如今还是加强中美之间的交流的先驱。我们很荣幸能够邀请她来肯塔基大学与我们的学生和员工进行交流。”