In partnership with The Fund for American Studies (TFAS), USCET supports Chinese university students’ participation in summer institutes organized by TFAS at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.  For two months, students attend TFAS Institute classes at Georgetown, complete internships in companies, government offices, or non-profit organizations, and experience life on campus at a top American university.  The Fellows Program provides stimulating academic and work experience and allows students to participate in special lectures and events that are only accessible through USCET and TFAS — at government institutions, universities, and think tanks in Washington, DC.

TFAS Institutes include:

Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems (ICPES);
Institute on Economics and International Affairs (IEIA);
Institute on Political Journalism (IPJ);
Institute on Business and Government Affairs (IBGA); and
Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service (IPVS).

Since 2002, USCET has sponsored more than thirty USCET-TFAS Fellows.

Meet the USCET-TFAS fellows and learn more about them here.