2023 Samuel “Sandy” R. Berger Memorial Fellows

Chen Han
Chen Han is a PhD candidate at Peking University where she studies international relations. Her research focuses on the origins of the New Left political movement in the US, which was influenced by Pres. Kennedy’s New Frontier and Pres. Johnson’s Great Society. She earned her master’s degree from Peking University’s School of International Studies in 2023 under the guidance of supervisor Professor Wang Dong, and her bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of International Business and Economics. Chen interned at the International Cooperation Center of the National Democratic Reform Commission in Beijing, where she researched cooperation between local US and Chinese governments. In 2023, she participated in the George H.W. Bush Foundation for US-China Relations’ 2023 X-Gen Dialogue in Washington, DC to discuss US-China relations across different generations. In the future, Chen Han plans to continue scholarly work at a university, while actively participating in track-two diplomacy. She feels honored to be awarded Berger Memorial Fellowship and is eager to promote positive development of China-US cooperation.

YUAN Ruichen
Yuan Ruichen is a doctoral student at Peking University’s Department of International Politics. His interests include economic security, supply chain resilience, and international sanctions. Yuan’s research focuses on the causes and impact of the decoupling of the American and Chinese economies, and the impact of this dynamic on third countries in the global production network. He previously interned at the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. His writing has been published in international publications including the South China Morning Post, Zaobao, and China-US Focus. The Berger Fellowship will play a pivotal role in his studies, allowing him to participate in academic exchanges, attend conferences, and access comprehensive data sets. His goal is to apply his research skills to enhance mutual understanding and friendly relations between China and the US.