2012 Media Education Consortium Conference
“Media in US Politics and 2012 Elections”
Shanghai International Studies University | November 26 – 27, 2012
The 2012 MEC Conference will be held in Shanghai and feature Bill Adair, the creator and editor of PolitiFact, a fact-checking website that won the Pulitzer Prize; James V. Grimaldi, senior writer at The Wall Street Journal and winner of Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting; and William (Bill) Schneider, a leading U.S. political analyst and expert on public opinion and senior fellow and resident scholar at Third Way. The conference will focus on the role of media in US politics, especially in 2012 election campaign. The production and ethics of new media and traditional media in US political environment will be discussed.
Registrations fees will be waived this year thanks to a recently awarded grant. MEC registrants will be entitled to accommodations for two nights and all meals during the conference on a first-come, first-served basis. Limited travel subsidies may also be available. Please refer to the conference agenda for a detailed schedule of the conference.
2012年年度媒介教育联合会会议将于中国上海召开。拥有普利策奖荣誉的”政治事实”事实追查网站的创办 人和编辑Bill Adair先生;《华尔街日报》高级作者,普利策奖调查性报道获得者James V. Grimaldi先生;Third Way高级研究员和常驻学者, 著名美国政治与公众舆论专家William (Bill) Schneider先生将出席会议。会议将聚焦于媒介在美国政治中所扮演的角色,特别是在此次2012年总统大选中的作用。与会者将就美国政治环境下的新媒体与传统媒体的运作和伦理展开探讨。