DAI Shanshan
Major: Law
Career Goal: Judge
Dai Shanshan, from Jinxiang County, feels lucky to have her parents that recognize the importance of higher education for both herself and her sister. She is most interested in working on poverty alleviation, social welfare and educational issues.
“I always remember that poverty doesn’t deserve any sympathy, working hard is the important thing. I believe I can make a difference through my hard work.”

Major: Philosophy
Career Goal: Promote development
Dong Qi, from Dong Si village, comes from a family of seven. He wants to focus on developing affordable education plans for all children in the western regions of China.
“The saying ‘Born in the rural is not your fault, but dying in the rural is your fault’ has been pushing me on the road toward my dream.”

Major: Anti-drug Studies
Career Goal: Police Officer
Li Yu, a member of the Yi minority, comes from the rural area just outside of Kunming. Her family is extremely proud that she is the first student from their village to go to college, but the tuition is more than her family’s annual income.
“I wish I could protect our people and thousands of families far away from drugs, particularly for children.”

Major: Anti-drug Studies
Career Goal: Researcher
From Xiao Shi Guan village, Yang Yan comes from a heavily indebted family that relies on tobacco farming as their sole source of income. She believes that by continuing to work hard, she will be able to successfully complete her four years at Yunnan University.
“I love my country and my people…Please trust in me that I will pay back our nation, society and those who helped me.”

WANG Yanqiu
Major: Journalism
Career Goal: Journalist
From Fujiadian village, Wang Yanqiu is the only child of older parents who are having difficulty paying for both her tuition and her mother’s medical fees.
“I will evaluate myself as one independent and persistent girl. I will never give up my dream, no matter what difficulties I may encounter.”

DAO Lifeng
Major: Politics and Public Administration
Career Goal: To serve the people
A member of the Dai minority, Dao Lifeng’s main source of support are her parents who are farmers. Her younger sister gave up her opportunity to attend senior high school so that the family could attempt to pay Lifeng’s tuition.
“After all, society has helped me, I need to pay back when I am capable.”

PU Lei
Major: Sociology
Career Goal: Sociologist
Pu Lei, a member of the Yi minority, comes from the mountainous region of Yunnan. With his family in debt and his grandmother blind, he hauled tobacco leaves up the mountain during his summer breaks in order to help out.
“The feeling of falling in the mud, with rain and sweat mixed together, has reinforced my determination of changing the poverty status of my hometown.”

ZHOU Xudong
Major: Law
Career Goal: Judge or Lawyer
Zhuo Xudong and his family come from Xuanwei city where they are farmers in this mountainous region. With his sister also in school, finding the funds to pay for tuition is difficult.
“I believe that being a judge or lawyer is my best way to tell the truth and help those who are weak. Law and justice…is the weapon I can use to fight against anything unfair.”

GUO Zhichao
Major: Chinese Language
Career Goal: Teacher
Guo Zhichao lives with her parents, grandmother and younger sister. Health problems have placed a heavy burden on her family’s finances.
“My father’s bended back and my mother’s white hair almost drive me to tears. Then I started to wonder what I can do to help my family. Yes, the only thing I can do is study harder, to pursue my dream of being a good teacher.”

ZUO Ruhui
Major: History
Career Goal: Archeologist
Zuo Ruhui comes from a family of five in Pu Yang city. Her mother is disabled and the family can hardly cover her basic medical needs.
“I want to disclose the secrets and mysteries of Chinese ancient history, to make all the world know better about China and its culture, to make all Chinese proud of our nation.”