Shasha Pogon

Shasha Pogon is USCET’s Communications and Programs Intern. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in International Relations at Syracuse University, with a concentration in US-China relations. Shasha earned her B.A in English from Yibin University in Sichuan province, China in 2017.

Shasha has been an Account Manager in Best Look Global Ltd which does international business between the US and China and she possesses certain experiences in US-China trade. Shasha has been an active participant of US-China exchange programs,she was an Au Pair living with an American and Hungarian host family in NYC and teaching Mandarin Chinese for two years from 2018 to 2020. She also worked in Alaska for the summer of 2017 for three months and travelled around the US for one month as a participant of the Summer Work & Travel program.

Prior to coming to the US, Shasha has worked as an English-Chinese interpreter and translator in Sri Lanka. She also studied at Konkuk University in South Korean as an exchange student in 2015.

Shasha’s interest in US-China relations began at Yibin University when her Peace Corps Volunteering teacher Sharlene Castle inspired hereby promoting US-China understanding among Chinese students, and encouraged her to seek higher education in the US.

Shasha is also a language lover, except English, she learned Korean and Japanese; She has been studying Spanish since last year and is currently at an intermediate level.


沙沙目前担任Best Look Global Ltd的客户经理,该公司在中美之间开展贸易业务,她在中美贸易方面拥有一定的经验。沙沙一直是中美交流项目的积极参与者, 2018-2020年她参加了互惠生项目,与纽约一名美国和匈牙利寄宿家庭住在一起并教授中文。并于2017年暑期参加赴美带薪项目在阿拉斯加工作三个月并在美国各地旅行一个月。


沙沙对中美关系的兴趣起始于宜宾大学,当时她的中国和平队志愿者教授Sharlene Castle以身作则促进中国学生对美国各方面的了解,鼓励并启发了她来到美国并在美攻读国际关系硕士研究生。

沙沙也是一位语言爱好者,除了英语外,她还学习了韩语和日语; 自2020年开始学习西班牙语,目前出于中级水平。