Peter McPherson

Peter McPherson is the former president of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).
APLU is the nation’s oldest higher education association and a research, policy, and advocacy organization of public research universities, land-grant institutions, state university systems, and higher education organizations. APLU’s member campuses enroll more than 3.5 million undergraduate and 1.1 million graduate students, employ more than 645,000 faculty members, and conduct nearly two-thirds of all academic research, totaling more than $34 billion annually. APLU is dedicated to excellence in learning, discovery and engagement.
McPherson is the former chair of the board of directors of Dow Jones and Company. He is the founding co-chair of the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa; chair of the board of IFDC, an international center dealing with soil fertility and agricultural development; and chair of the board of Harvest Plus, an organization working on breeding crops for better nutrition. McPherson also recently completed the chairmanship of a commission created by Congress to consider ways to greatly increase the number of students who study abroad.
Prior to joining APLU, McPherson was president of Michigan State University for more than 11 years (1993-2004). From April to October 2003, he took leave from that position and served as the director of economic policy for the Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq, working with the currency, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the banks of the country.
Before Michigan State, McPherson held senior executive positions with Bank of America from 1989 to 1993. From 1987 to 1989, he served as deputy secretary of the U.S. Treasury, focusing on trade, tax, and international issues, and was one of the principal U.S. negotiators for the Canadian Free Trade Agreement. He was administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) from 1981 to 1987 and in that role was responsible for the U. S. effort for famine relief in Africa in 1984-85. During that time he was also the chairman of the board of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. From 1977 through 1980, he was a partner and head of the Washington office of the Ohio law firm, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease. Prior to that, he was a special assistant to President Gerald Ford in the White House.
McPherson has been honored with the U. S. Presidential Certificate of Outstanding Achievement, the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Leadership Award, the Department of Treasury’s Alexander Hamilton Award, the UNICEF award for “outstanding contribution to child survival,” the 1983 Humanitarian of the Year award from the American Lebanese League and the Jewish National Fund Tree of Life Award in 1998. He received a B.A. from Michigan State University, an M.B.A. from Western Michigan University and a J.D. from American University.
McPherson还是Dow Jones and Company董事会的前任主席。他是非洲减少饥饿和贫困项目的创始联合主席;国际土壤肥力和农业发展中心(International Fertilizer Development Center)理事会主席;同时也是Harvest Plus委员会的主席,该组织致力于培育作物以获得更好的营养。McPherson最近还担任了国会成立的一个委员会的主席,该委员会旨在考虑如何大幅增加出国留学的学生人数。
在加入密歇根州立大学之前,McPherson1989-1993在美国银行担任高管职务。1987年至1989年,他担任美国财政部副部长,主要负责贸易、税收和国际问题,是美国参与加拿大自由贸易协定的主要谈判人员之一。1981年至1987年,他担任美国国际开发署(USAID)署长,并在该职位上负责美国1984-1985在非洲的饥荒救济工作。在此期间,他还是海外私人投资公司的董事会主席。从1977年到1980年,他是俄亥俄一间律师事务所(Ohio law firm, Vorys, Sater, Seymour和Pease)华盛顿办事处的合伙人和负责人。在此之前,他是杰拉尔德福特总统在白宫的特别助理。
McPherson被授予美国总统杰出成就证书、国务卿杰出领导力奖、财政部亚历山大·汉密尔顿奖、联合国儿童基金会杰出儿童生存贡献奖、1983年美国黎巴嫩联盟年度人道主义奖和1998年犹太国家生命树奖。他获得了密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的学士学位,西密歇根大学(Western Michigan University)的MBA学位,以及美国大学(American University)的法学博士学位。