Julia Chang Bloch

Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch is the first Asian American to hold such rank in U.S. history. She has had an extensive career in international affairs and government service, beginning in 1964 as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Sabah, Malaysia and culminating as U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Nepal in 1989. From 1981 to 1988, Ambassador Bloch served at the U.S. Agency for International Development as Assistant Administrator of Food for Peace and Voluntary Assistance and as Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East, positions appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. She also was the Chief Minority Counsel to a Senate Select Committee; a Senate professional staff member; the Deputy Director of the Office of African Affairs at the U.S. Information Agency; a Fellow of the Institute of Politics at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and an Associate of the U.S.-Japan Relations Program of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard.
After 25 years in government service, Ambassador Bloch moved to the corporate sector in 1993, becoming Group Executive Vice President at the Bank of America, where she created the Corporate Relations Department, heading the bank’s Public Relations, Government Affairs, and Public Policy operations. From 1996 to 1998, Ambassador Bloch moved into philanthropy, serving as President and CEO of the United States-Japan Foundation, a private grant making institution, with $100 million in assets. Beginning in 1998, Ambassador Bloch shifted her focus to China, first becoming Visiting Professor at the Institute for International Relations and Executive Vice Chairman of the American Studies Center at Peking University, and subsequently affiliating with Fudan University in Shanghai, as well as the University of Maryland as Ambassador-in-Residence at the Institute for Global Chinese Affairs.
A native of China who came to the U.S. at age nine, Ambassador Bloch grew up in San Francisco and earned a bachelor’s degree in Communications and Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1964, and a master’s degree in Government and East Asia Regional Studies from Harvard University in 1967. She was awarded an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters from Northeastern University in 1986.
Ambassador Bloch serves on a number of corporate and non-profit boards, including: Asia Institute for Political Economy, the University of HK, the Atlantic Council, Council of American Ambassadors, US Asia Pacific Council, Meridian International Center, World Affairs Council, the Fund for American Studies, and Penn Mutual Insurance Co. She was elected as a Fellow to the National Academy of Public Administration and is on the Expert/Eminent Persons Register of the ASEAN Regional Forum, a member of the Woodrow Wilson Council, as well as Trustee Emeriti of the Asia Society, Honorary Member of the Board of Directors of the Friends Society of the Asian Division, Library of Congress, and Honorary Fellow of the Foreign Policy Association. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and American Academy of Diplomacy, she also serves on the Edumasters International Advisory Committee and the Editorial Board of Berkshire Publishing Group’s Encyclopedia of China.
She has received numerous awards, and her publications include: Women and Diplomacy, Bonds Across Borders, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007; Nepal: End of Shangri-la, Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005, America’s Love-Hate Relationship with China, American Forum Journal of the Fudan University Center of American Studies, 2003, Commercial Diplomacy, Living with China: US-China Relations in the 21st Century, an American Assembly book, New York: W.W. Norton, 1995. Japanese Foreign Aid and the Politics of Burden Sharing, Yen for Development, New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1991.
Julia Chang Bloch(中文名:张之香) 大使是美国历史上第一位出任该级别职务的亚裔美国人,在国际事务和政府事务中有着广泛的职业生涯。从1964年开始,她是马来西亚沙巴和平队(Peace Corps)的志愿者,1989年成为美国驻尼泊尔王国大使。从1981年到1988年,Bloch大使在美国国际开发署(USAIC)担任“粮食促进和平与自愿援助”助理署长,并担任主管亚洲和近东事务的助理署长,这些职位都是由总统任命并得到参议院的认同。她还是参议院特别委员会的首席少数派法律顾问;参议院专业工作人员;美国新闻局非洲事务办公室副主任;哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院政治研究所研究员,以及哈佛国际事务中心美日关系项目副研究员。
在政府部门工作25年后,Bloch大使于1993年转至企业部门,成为美国银行集团执行副总裁。她在美国银行创建了企业关系部,负责该行的公共关系、政府事务和公共政策业务。从1996年到1998年,Bloch大使投身慈善事业,担任美国-日本基金会的总裁兼首席执行官,该基金会是一家私人赠款机构,资产达1亿美元。从1998年开始, Bloch大使将关注重点转向中国。她先是成为了北京大学国际关系研究所客座教授和美国研究中心的执行副主席,随后加入到上海复旦大学以及美国马里兰大学全球中国事务研究所。
Bloch大使出生于中国,9岁时来到美国。他在旧金山长大,1964年获得加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)的通信和公共政策学士学位,1967年在哈佛大学(Harvard University)获得政府和东亚地区研究硕士学位。1986年,她被授予东北大学(Northeastern University)人文文学荣誉博士学位。
Bloch大使在许多公司和非盈利组织的董事会中任职,其中包括亚洲政治经济研究所(Asia Institute for Political Economy)、香港大学(University of Hong Kong)、大西洋理事会(the Atlantic Council)、美国大使理事会(Council of American Ambassadors)、美国亚太理事会(US Asia Pacific Council)、子午线国际中心(Meridian International Center)、世界事务委员会(World Affairs Council)、美国研究基金会(the Fund for American Studies)和佩恩互助保险公司(Penn Mutual Insurance Co.)。她当选为国家公共管理学院研究员(National Academy of Public Administration),同时也在东盟区域论坛专家/知名人士名册上(ASEAN Regional Forum)、是伍德罗·威尔逊委员会的一员(Woodrow Wilson Council)、以及亚洲协会理事(Asia Society)、美国国会图书馆亚洲之友协会理事会名誉会员(Friends Society of the Asian Division, Library of Congress),和外交政策协会名誉会员(Foreign Policy Association)。她是美国外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)和美国外交学院(American Academy of Diplomacy)的成员,同时也是教育硕士国际咨询委员会(Edumasters International Advisory Committee)和伯克希尔出版集团(Berkshire Publishing Group’s Encyclopedia of China)中国百科全书编辑部的成员。
她获得了无数奖项,她的出版物包括: Women and Diplomacy, Bonds Across Borders, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007; Nepal: End of Shangri-la, Liberal Democracy Nepal Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005, America’s Love-Hate Relationship with China, American Forum Journal of the Fudan University Center of American Studies, 2003, Commercial Diplomacy, Living with China: US-China Relations in the 21st Century, an American Assembly book, New York: W.W. Norton, 1995. Japanese Foreign Aid and the Politics of Burden Sharing, Yen for Development, New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1991.