11th Annual American Studies Network Conference
Culture and US Relations with China and the World
December 5-7th, 2014
Zhejiang University

USCET partnered with Zhejiang University on the 11th Annual American Studies Network (ASN) Conference, held in Hangzhou, China. Over 90 participants from across China and internationally attended the conference and presented papers on subjects ranging from US-China relations to American literature, the U.S. judicial system, and much more. Keynote speakers included Congressman Cliff Stearns, Dr. Carol Lee Hamrin, Professor at George Mason University, Jia Qingguo, Professor and Dean at Peking University School of International Studies, and Dr. J. Gordon Melton, Distinguished Professor of American Religious History at Baylor University.
See the link below to dowload the full 2014 agenda.
USCET与浙江大学合作共同在中国杭州举办了第十一届美国研究联合会会议。超过90名来自中国各地和国际的参加者出席了本次会议,并发表了包括中美关系、美国文学和美国司法体系等诸多主题的论文。主讲人包括国会议员Cliff Stearns、乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)教授Carol Lee Hamrin教授、北京大学国际关系学院院长贾庆国教授以及贝勒大学(Baylor University)美国宗教历史学杰出教授Gordon Melton博士。