Hongjia Yang
Hongjia Yang is a program and communications intern for USCET. Hongjia’s responsibilities include assisting with coordinating programs, operating social media platforms, conducting research, and drafting relevant reports.
Hongjia is double majoring in Foreign Affairs and Statistics at the University of Virginia. Pursuing a minor in sociology simultaneously, he cannot help but find connections between diplomacy and topics surrounding social capital, education structure and comparative government, Sino-US relations, and more.
Besides his Sino-US studies and work, Hongjia serves as the president of the Chinese Student and Scholar Society, a student-ran organization that brings overseas Chinese students together and serves as a bridge between Chinese and other communities. He also serves as the student representative in UVA Student Representative Body. Hongjia previously worked as a legal intern for the Global Law Office.
杨鸿嘉是中美教育基金会的项目与公共关系实习生。他目前就读于弗吉尼亚大学,计划攻读政治学与统学双专业。他负责协助基金会的管理报告起草、项目可行性分析与研究、对外联络、社交媒体运营等工作。在加入中美教育基金会团队前,鸿嘉曾在弗吉尼亚大学东亚研究中心、复旦大学复杂决策分析中心和上交通大学等多家智库和高校担任研究助理。此外,他还是弗吉尼亚大学中国学联的主席和弗吉尼亚大学学生议会的议员。鸿嘉对中美关系和人文交流合作的兴趣始于大一,那时他参加了美国著名的中国问题专家原总统特别国家安全顾问何汉理(Harry Harding)开设的中美关系史课程。通过对中美关系史的了解,鸿嘉意识到促进中美人文交流将是帮助中美两国人民加强互相了解,并减轻非必要矛盾的有效途径,并期望通过自己的努力促成更多中美之间人文交流的机会。