The US-China Education Trust (USCET) recently came back from a visit to China, where two of its major programs concluded for 2017 in Shanghai and Wuhan. USCET held a Data Journalism Workshop at Fudan University, and co-organized the annual Media Education Consortium (MEC) Conference at Wuhan University, where the winners of the Third Data Journalism Competition were announced.

USCET first traveled to Shanghai, where it coordinated a week-long data journalism workshop from November 12th to 16th at the Fudan School of Journalism. The workshop targeted young data journalists wishing to develop their skills in data acquisition, analysis, and visualization. Jonathan Soma, Director of Columbia University’s Lede Data Journalism Program, and Lü Yan, senior data editor at The Paper – a popular Chinese digital newspaper known for its online investigative reporting, led the workshop. At the conclusion of the program, USCET hosted an appreciation dinner to celebrate its years of collaboration with Fudan University.
From November 17th to 18th, USCET held its 9th MEC Conference at the Wuhan University School of Journalism and Communication. Keynote speakers, USCET consultant, Jonathan Soma, and Professors of Journalism at Wuhan University, Fang Jie and Wang Qiong, gave presentations in the morning. Winners of the Third Data Journalism Competition were announced in the afternoon. The grand prize went to Wuhan University students, Jin Hailian, Du Juncheng, and Shi Chenjin. The team wrote a piece on “Twenty Thousand Pieces of Data to Draw an Accurate Picture of the Rental Prices in Beijing.” The winning teams of the competition also had a chance to present their data journalism projects in front of their peers. Altogether, the 2017 MEC Conference served to elevate the profile and level of professionalism of the data journalism sector in China.
近期,中美教育基金(US-China Education Trust,简称USCET)的两个主要项目在上海和武汉迎来了2017年度的尾声。USCET于复旦大学举办了数据新闻工作坊,另与武汉大学共同组织媒介教育联合会(Media Education Consortium,简称MEC)年会,并在年会上公布了第三届数据新闻比赛的获奖者。
USCET首先在11月12日至16日间到访上海,于复旦大学新闻学院组织了长达一星期的数据新闻工作坊。该工作坊面向希望加强数据获取、分析、可视化能力的年轻记者。由哥伦比亚大学里德数据新闻项目主任乔纳森·索玛(Jonathan Soma)与澎湃新闻(中国新闻门户网站,以调查性报告闻名)的资深数据编辑吕妍共同主持。在工作坊的尾声,USCET举办了答谢宴庆祝与复旦大学多年的合作。
11月17日至18日,USCET在武汉大学新闻与传播学院举办了第九届媒介教育联合会年会。当天上午, USCET顾问、乔纳森·索玛、武汉大学新闻学教授方洁和王琼作为主讲嘉宾进行了演讲。第三届数据新闻比赛的获奖者在当天下午揭晓。大奖花落武汉大学学生,靳海莲、杜俊成和史晨瑾。获奖作品名为《两万条数据给你最准确的北京租房素描》。获奖团队更是有机会在同学面前发表自己的作品。整体来说,2017媒介教育联合会年会提升了中国数据新闻的影响力和专业水平。