The US-China Education Trust and Peking University’s Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding are excited to announce this year’s Samuel “Sandy” R. Berger Memorial Fellows: Ms. XU Gao and Ms. YI Duo. Candidates were evaluated based on their research proposals, academic credentials, outside experience, and more.

XU Gao is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of International Studies, Peking University. She is interested in the study of diplomatic history, Sino-US relations, and the history of international relations.
YI Duo is an undergraduate student at the School of International Studies, Peking University. She is interested in studying theories of Strategic Narrative and its impact on Sino-US relations.
The Sandy Berger Memorial Fellowship was founded to celebrate the life and legacy of the late Honorable “Sandy” Berger, former National Security Advisor to President Bill Clinton, who demonstrated a strong commitment to balancing competition with collaboration between the United States and China, even when the obstacles seemed insurmountable. As Madeline Albright remarked after Sandy’s passing, “Our country is stronger because of Sandy’s deep and abiding commitment to public service, and there are countless people whose lives he changed for the better. I am certainly one of them.” In Sandy’s spirit, the Awards seek to support scholarship on US-China relations and to strengthening the invaluable people-to-people ties between the U.S. and China.
This year’s fellows will showcase their research proposals at a ceremony to be held on October 11th, 2022 via Zoom.