Rosie Levine

Rosie Levine comes to USCET from the United States Institute of Peace, where she has been a senior program analyst working on the China program. In April 2024, Rosie was named a Project Fellow in The Penn Project on the Future of US-China Relations. In this role, she joins a small group of “next generation” China scholars and analysts who contribute policy relevant analysis on the most pressing issues in US-China relations. She joined USIP after four years at the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, a New York City-based non-profit. In this role, Levine was responsible for the Public Intellectuals Program where she designed and implemented programs for a network of leading China scholars to improve American understanding of China. She also oversaw a year-long project to survey and report on the state of American research on China. The findings from the project received mention in The Guardian, The Atlantic, The Financial Times and a dedicated episode of the Sinica podcast.
From 2014 to 2018 Levine based in Beijing, China where she completed her master’s degree in Chinese studies at the Yenching Academy of Peking University. She also served as the Program Director for the Beijing Cultural Heritage Protection Center, a grassroots nonprofit dedicated to preserving Beijing’s hutongs. She received her bachelor’s degree in history from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and graduated with highest honors. She is the chapter head of Young China Watchers – DC Chapter, a Pacific Forum Young Leader, and a fellow in the Penn Project on the Future of U.S.-China Relations. Levine grew up in China, spending ages four to nine in Beijing.
Rosie Levine从美国和平研究所来到美中关系教育交流中心,她在那里担任高级项目分析师,负责中国项目。2024年4月,Rosie被任命为宾夕法尼亚未来美中关系项目的项目研究员。在这个角色中,她加入了一个小组,该小组由“下一代”中国学者和分析师组成,为美中关系中最紧迫的问题提供政策相关分析。在加入美国和平研究所之前,她在总部位于纽约市的美中关系全国委员会工作了四年,这是一个非营利性组织。在那个职位上,Levine负责公共知识分子项目,设计并实施一系列旨在改善美国对中国的理解的项目,以及监督为期一年的项目,调查并报告中国研究的现状。该项目的发现在《卫报》、《大西洋月刊》、《金融时报》以及《中信》播客的专题节目中被提及。
从2014年到2018年,Levine 在中国北京工作,完成了她在北京大学燕京学堂的中国研究硕士学位。她还担任北京文化遗产保护中心的项目主任,这是一个致力于保护北京胡同的基层非营利组织。她在密歇根大学安娜堡分校获得了历史学士学位,并以最高荣誉毕业。她是华盛顿特区青年中国观察家分会的分会主席,太平洋论坛青年领袖,以及宾夕法尼亚大学未来中美关系项目的研究员。Levine 是在中国长大的,在北京度过了四岁到九岁的童年。