Mia Westfere

Mia Westfere is a Program and Communications intern at US-China Education Trust (USCET) where she provides outreach and programmatic support for ongoing and developing initiatives.

Prior to joining USCET, Mia served as a legislative intern in the U.S. Senate and undertook a Young Envoys fellowship with the China Education Association for International Exchange. 

Mia attends American University where she majors in International Studies with a regional focus in East Asia. In addition to her own extensive course work in Chinese history, culture and politics, Mia also previously served as a Program Leader for a seminar on the Belt-and-Road Initiative.

Mia Westfere 是中美教育基金会(USCET)的项目与传播实习生,负责现有和正在开发的项目提供外展和项目支持。

在加入USCET之前,Mia 曾在美国参议院担任立法实习生,并作为中国教育国际交流协会的青年使者研究员参与工作。

Mia 目前就读于美利坚大学,主修国际研究,重点关注东亚地区。除了广泛学习中国历史、文化和政治的课程外,她还曾担任“一带一路”倡议研讨会的项目负责人。