Katherine Mickewich
Katherine Mickewich is USCET’s Communications and Programming intern. She is currently an undergraduate senior attending American University. She will graduate in the spring of 2021 with a B.A. in International Studies, specializing in East Asia and the Pacific, and Global & Comparative Governance, with a minor in French Language.
Prior to joining USCET, Katherine worked as an intern for the International Association of Women Judges, where she assisted in programming and translation for the association’s global 2021 conference. This past spring, Katherine studied abroad in Grenoble, France where she taught English lessons at a local elementary school.
Katherine began learning Mandarin this past year, as well as honed her studies on China. During her senior year in high school, she was delighted to study abroad in Liaocheng, China through her school’s international center for education. Her passion for East Asia studies and deepening U.S.-China relations began here, where she was able to live with a Chinese host family and attend the local high school.