David Yao

David Yao is USCET’s administrator in charge of staff matters as well as general operations.
Prior to joining USCET, David served as Senior Vice President of the Council for International Cooperation (CIC) in Washington DC., a non-profit organization founded by Anna Chennault (Chen Xiangmei) to promote better relationships and understanding between China and the United States. David was responsible for managing numerous on-going projects, as well as initiating new programs to enhance and promote US-China relationship, education, Chinese culture awareness, Asian American issues, and Mrs. Chennualt’s international legacy.
Trained in graphics design, David had worked as an Art Director with the public relations firm of Porter/Novelli. During his tenure with the firm, David designed the “Food Pyramid” commissioned by the United States Department of Agriculture, which was used by the United States Government to help promote healthy eating habits in America for over twenty years.
David has been involved in many aspects of community service. He currently serves as a Friends Council member of the Smithsonian’s Freer-Sackler Gallery; a Board of Director member of the National Cherry Blossom Festival; a trustee of the Bel Cantanti Opera of Maryland. He is also a past-president of the Greater Washington DC chapter of the Organization of Chinese Americans, a national civic organization promoting the wellbeing of Americans of Chinese and Asian heritage.
David and his wife live in Bethesda, Maryland.
David Yao是USCET的特别顾问,负责员工事务和一般业务。
在加入USCET之前,David在华盛顿特区担任国际合作理事会(CIC)的高级副主席, 后者是由Anna Chennault(陈香梅)创立的非营利组织,致力于促进中美关系、加强两国间的相互理解。David负责管理现行项目,以及启动新的项目,旨在加强和促进美中关系、两国教育、中国文化意识、亚裔美国人问题等等,传承香梅女士的国际影响力。
David曾参与多种类型的社区服务。他目前担任Smithsonian博物馆Freer-Sackler画廊的委员会成员、全国樱花节董事会成员、以及马里兰州Bel Cantanti歌剧院的理事。他也是“华裔美国人组织”大华盛顿区域分会的前任主席,该组织是一家促进华裔和亚裔美国人福祉的全国性公民组织。